Conditions of Entry
Upon purchasing your ticket to any NRDL bout, you agree to be bound by the following Conditions of Entry:
Persons seeking entry to the Bout Venue (hereafter referred to as “the Venue”) are advised that:
* They are entering a licensed area;
* Intoxicated persons will not be permitted to enter;
* Intoxicated persons will be removed from the event;
* Alcoholic beverages must not be taken into or from the Venue. If alcoholic beverages are taken into or removed from the Venue, the alcoholic beverage will be immediately confiscated;
* Checking procedures will apply to prevent persons possessing liquor from entering;
* It is an offence for minors to purchase or consume alcohol;
* It is an offence to sell to or supply minors with alcohol;
* Persons supplying alcohol to minors will be reported to police;
* Alcohol is only to be purchased by a person with a wrist band;
* Alcohol is only to be consumed in areas designated;
* Penalties apply under the Liquor Act 2007.
The following restricted or prohibited items are not permitted into the Venue and are subject to immediate confiscation:
* Glass or breakable containers;
* Alcoholic beverages;
* Illicit drugs;
* Flares or Fireworks;
* Laser Pointers;
* Knives or other dangerous weapons including but not limited to potential missiles;
* Skateboards, scooters, roller blades or bicycles;
* Animals;
* Other items as determined by NRDL that may cause injury or public nuisance.
Persons enter the facility at their own risk.
For the comfort, safety and enjoyment of all persons, NRDL advises that:
* NRDL is not liable nor does it accept any responsibility for any loss or damage whatsoever to any person or property or the death of or injury suffered to any person whilst at the Venue;
* Persons entering the Venue agree to indemnify NRDL against any loss or liability, cost, expense or damages arising from or in relation to the entry either by person, vehicle or otherwise;
* NRDL reserves the right to inspect and/or search bags brought into or out of the event;
* Persons causing a disturbance or refusing to comply with requests from NRDL will be ejected;
* NRDL may refuse admission to or eject persons from the event at its sole discretion;
* Persons entering the Venue must adhere to the Occupational Health & Safety legislation and in particular the NRDL safety regulations;
* Smoking is not permitted within the seated areas or enclosed spaces of the event. The smoking area is out the front of the building;
* Tickets purchased enable persons entry to the event specified on the ticket only and cannot be exchanged or returned after purchase;
* By entering the Venue, person’s consents to NRDL or third parties appointed by NRDL photographing, filming or taping. NRDL or third parties appointed by NRDL can broadcast, publish, license and use any photographs, film, recordings or images without compensation. NRDL, third parties and anyone acquiring from them a right to use the material are not liable to the subject for its use in any way;
* Vehicles must not block emergency egress doors or emergency vehicle access roads and are to give way to emergency vehicles;
* All accidents or emergencies are to be immediately reported to an NRDL official;
* Persons must obey all signs, notices and directions given by NRDL;
* Trackside seating is for over persons over the age of 16 and is undertaken at the risk of the individual. People under the age of 16 sitting in Trackside seating will be asked to relocate to a suitable area.
It is not our intention for amateur photographers to be restricted from taking photos at the event, providing that:
* The photographer is not causing annoyance or inconvenience to other patrons;
* The photos are not to be sold for commercial gain;
* If you enter the event with an SLR (Single lens reflex) or better camera you will be expected to sign a media release form and comply with the terms and conditions of the form. Media Release forms can be obtained from the Media table at the Venue;
* Persons are not to take indecent photos of players and patrons. NRDL reserve the right to ask persons to delete photos from cameras and or any indecent photos published on public forums.
NOTE: Any variation to the policy will be at the sole discretion of Newcastle Roller Derby League.